A life still in process

And a website still under construction

Living in pain with a constant migraine since 2017,  I am a shell of my former self. 

I try to do my best and celebrate my small achievements.

This website is:

For my family and friends that I love. It is also for those who are interested in cults, nonviolent activism, spiritual journeys, environmental justice and human rights.

A way for me to collect photos and artifacts, and craft storiesfrom my life to help me remember who I am as I get older and continue my cognitive decline.

A form of therapy as I am remembering: what I am ashamed of and need to make amends for; what traumas I experienced that I still need to heal from; as well as all of the amazing adventures and literally hundreds of people that have impacted my life.

All of this culminates in the process of consciously preparing for my death. 

5 year old inner child Ray 1969

Living with a migraine Reinard 2021