Phase I: Emerging Generation & Order youth

Still under construction 10/5/21 - needs editing

Growing up, the adults in the Order called us Phase !, Emerging Generation and Order Youth. Our peers in the public elementary and junior high schools we attended in Chicago called us "The Institute Kids." We just call ourselves Order Kids or Second Generation. (Our parents were the First Generation.) 

Over 500 of us were born into, or spent some amount of time in, the Order. This was a very unique experience and we, the Order Kids, feel a strong common bond for having survived. The Order disbanded in 1986 but the Order Kids have remained in contact with each other through newsletters, email list-serves and reunions every 3 - 5 years. 

Order Kids Share Their Stories! 

Books about living in the Order by three former Order Youth. 

Each book represents a different perspective and set of experiences. 

If you are an Order Kid and would like to share your story on this website, please fill out this form. Thank you!

From the Rockies to the Windy City, by Ali Anthony Bell (2020)  A young white American boy, the son of a preacher, experiences an enormous culture shock when his family moves from the Blackfeet Native American Reservation at the foot of the Rocky Mountains to join a religious sect in the inner-city Black ghetto on the West Side of Chicago in 1969. The main message of the story is that every single life experience is necessary to make us the unique individuals we are. 

Grits, Green Beans and the Holy Ghost: Memoirs of a Girl Monk, by Carol J Poole. (2015) The story of a girl and her very large family—including her activist parents and amiable siblings, but also thousands of fellow members of a politically progressive religious cult called “The Order,” based in Chicago in the 1970s. A memoir about the perils of growing up, the resilience of the human heart, and the ironies of meaning well and doing good

Hey, White Girl!, by Susan Gregory (1970) The true story of a girl who moved into the south side of Chicago her senior year of high school as the only white student. "Members of the Institute share a basic understanding that to be a man of faith means to lay down one’s life - “die one’s death” - on behalf of all mankind. Those who decide to join the Institute become a part of a modern religious Order, bound by commitment to the larger corporate body and its decisions. "

The rest of the external links on this page go to the public Document Archive of the Ecumenical Institute (EI), Order: Ecumenical (The Order), and the Institute of Cultural of Cultural Affairs (ICA) hosted at and

The Journey of Phase I Formation: Birth until age 20: "The Institute created many images related to the dynamics of a life journey.  There were images of having five life phases, one phase every twenty years.  Many programs were created and experimented with particularly related to Phase I, ages birth through the age of twenty.  Within Phase I were the preschool, elementary, junior high, high school and college-aged youth."  (1981)

A Chronological History: 

Phase I, Emerging Generation, Student House, and Order Youth 











Order Youth meetings.


This simple metal rocket ship was the best thing about playing outside in the Order's campus in 5th City in the late 60's. I spent many hours in it as a preschooler and young youth.

1969 Global Youth Academy I: Warrior Abbey, Canada

A collection of short stories meant to exemplify the Order's  teachings by a Dean of the Student House. 

Order pre-school children early 70's

My 1971 1st Grade Class at Leif Erikson Elementary School in 5th City on the westside of Chicago.

My 1971 1st Grade Class at Leif Erikson Elementary School in 5th City on the westside of Chicago. All of the white kids in this photo were Order members.

Student House girls dorm mid 70s. This was the kind of dorm I lived in for 2 years with at least 12-15 kids per dorm. 

Student House kids working in the Kitchen.

Order summer camp

I (back row, 2nd from right) was part of this 1978 Student House work crew that was sent to help with an ICA Human Development Project in Canada for 2 weeks.

1976 Summer Camp Manual: Nava Gram Prayas

Cover of 1981 Order Summer Camp manual

Student House boys dorm early 80's. In the late 70's We worked for 2 years to renovate each dorm room giving us individual spaces and privacy.

Despite heavy snow and freezing temps during the Chicago winters, Student House work crews were sent out every afternoon. 




6th grade summer trips

Student House mid 80s

Student House summer work crew. 

This was my Order Youth Cluster at the Houston Religious House in 1980. We were all very close at the time. 

One of my first official photographs in 11th grade (that survived) of Bruce.





6th grade trips

Other related links

Below: A series of self portraits 82-83 trying to capture my true self at the time.

Orderopoly created by an Order Kid for an Order Kids reunion.